
Final Project


The project is dedicated to enhancing the planetarium typology, as well as responding to the need for both leisure activities and pre-university level education in Woolwich.

Providing a programme focused around spatial education and interaction, the scheme incorporates an education centre, interactive experimentarium, sculptural spatial experience, playground, and a planetarium.

These programmatic elements work in tandem to encourage exploration, and appreciation of different spatial environments.

The scheme replaces the existing leisure centre with a building that accommodates both leisure and education activities.


The architectural language of the project is based around the orbital motion of celestial bodies, encouraging a cyclical journey throughout the different experiences present within the scheme.

Interior Visualisations

The aim of the project is to encourage users, both young and old, to explore their relationship with space, on both an architectural and cosmological level, as well as everything in between.

Garden Space Visualisation

Derived Spatial Concepts

The Architectural language of the project was formed through analysis of space and the distillation of that analysis into a series of ideals that are able to translate specific spatial qualities from all scale to that of the architecture.

Visualisation of potential exhibition in the installation spaces, inspired by James Turrell.

Conceptualising the relationship between user and space.

Visualisation of potential exhibition inspired by, Yayoi Kusama.

Perspective Sections

The building creates distinct atmospheric and spatial environments depending on the path the user takes through the building, incorporating concepts derived from analysis of space on many scales.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers