
Final Project

The Century Film Studios: Framing Birmingham

Birmingham holds great appeal for filmmakers and film studios due to its unique blend of diverse locations, rich history, and supportive infrastructure. The city’s wide range of architectural styles, from Victorian-era buildings to modern structures, offers a versatile backdrop for storytelling. However, while studios have greatly benefitted, there is an acute need for dedicated facilities to be provided for aspiring independent filmmakers. Indie filmmakers often face significant challenges in finding suitable spaces to produce their work. They require access to well-equipped studios, sound stages, and post-production facilities to bring their creative visions to life. Dedicated spaces specifically would not only provide them with the necessary resources but also foster a supportive community where collaboration, experimentation, and artistic expression can thrive.

Exploded axonometric diagram

Making our workplaces more stimulating is crucial for enhancing mental health and well-being. First and foremost, a stimulating work environment promotes engagement and prevents boredom. When employees feel mentally stimulated, they are more likely to be motivated and actively involved in their tasks. By creating an environment that challenges and stimulates employees, organizations can foster a positive mental state and reduce the risk of burnout or boredom-related mental health issues.

Artistic section

Creating personalized work spaces tailored to individuals with different Myers-Briggs personalities is of paramount importance in fostering productivity, engagement, and overall well-being in the workplace. By understanding and acknowledging the diverse range of personalities within a team, the studio can optimize the work environment to suit the unique needs and preferences of each individual.

Journey to the Show

Melodic Rejuvenation: ‘Ghost Town’ by West-Midlands band The Specials is an expression of the urban ‘decay’ of towns in the West-Midlands like Birmingham. Whilst it was written as a response to Thatcher’s Britain, lead singer Terry Hall [1959 – 2022] stated in a 2021 interview that the song still resonates today as ‘nothing’s changed’.

Little action was taken to rebuild from Birmingham’s decline of industries in the second half of the 20th century in Digbeth, until recently. This new regeneration has been dubbed as the ‘fourth industrial revolution’, clawing Digbeth out of the Ghost Town.

This scheme’s design aimed to provides areas to teach music to a new generation, to a full music recording studio for amateur and professional artists to record. A feeling of community cohesion is brought through the open central area which creates a flexible space for all. At night, the space becomes a stage for artists and a small audience to bring music to the city’s heart.

Revival Library: The thriving beauty of the Eldon Grove settlement has found itself a victim to time. After decades of abandonment, the dwellings have been taken over by overgrown vegetation, causing them to rot and decay. This scheme aimed to reinvigorate Eldon Grove with organic forms, emulating nature slicing through the masonry.

Liverpool is separate from Vauxhall like water separates from oil – they simply do not mix. The Revival Library aims to inject the excitement and optimism of Liverpool back into Vauxhall by creating a main community hub where people of all backgrounds feel welcome.

The ground level sees more grounded library conventions, represented by much of the original Eldon Grove settlement to provide an empathetic approach through familiarity. The first floor, however, sees decreasing light levels to guide the user to increasingly exclusive spaces away from the community park space, represented by a much more fluid aesthetic.

Work Experience

I have successfully completed a 12 month placement at JSA Architects in Maidenhead, Berkshire, over the period July 2021 to July 2022. JSA Architects specialise in residential architecture of all scales across the country.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers