
Final Graduation Project


This is my graduation studio project. Neo-spectrum aims to break down the barriers bettween neuro-typical and neuro-diverse individuals, in both society but more specifically the performing arts industry.

Focusing on how architects can design buildings to support people who are Neurodiverse much like we do for people with visible disabilities. This project also addresses the disconnect between Bristol’s theatre and performing arts facilities across the city. Through promoting social and economic collaboration with resource sharing. 

The building concept was driven by the ways neurodiverse people view a building and how they deal with low vs high stimulation. The key parts being escape vs transition. The building aims to provide a serene form, with adequate escape areas. Therefore the building ensures a safe environment for sharing resources, knowledge and experiences within the performing arts.

Ground Floor Plan

Work Experience

Part 1 Architectural Assistance Role July 2021 – July 2022, with LA Architects in Brighton.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers